MOBILE: GLOBE 0917 7925045/ SMART 0908 8845045 / LANDLINE 02- 77182661 / 02- 75049126

Privacy Policy

Data Privacy Terms and Details

Our company website is solely used for our business product ordering purposes only. We give importance to our customers and site visitor’s data privacy. The website may collect personal information about an individual which may include the following: name, address, email, phone number, age, sex, marital status, race, nationality, religious beliefs and other important information. This information will be used for processing orders via the website. Third- party payment gateways are used to securely process your payments online. Cookies are collected for future reference of returning customers. Your information will not be sold to any third- party users or used for any other purposes other than completing a transaction with us.

Proceeding with a transaction in our website validates that you are voluntarily acknowledge and agree to the input of your personal information.